SIP wasn't originally designed to be secure, which means it's easily hacked.

SIP is a text-based protocol that closely resembles Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), with addressing that resembles Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) that you'll typically encounter in emails. The header includes information about the caller's device, the nature of the call and other details necessary to make the call work. The receiving device examines the request and decides whether it can accommodate the call. Some VoIP providers use Virtual Private Networks (VPN) to protect the SIP traffic but VPN and SIP do not work well together and, consequently, VoIP providers face many problems. VPN also doesn’t support Quality of Service (QoS) so call quality can be lost unless there is significant bandwidth available.

The iQuila protocol was designed to transmit Layer 2 data over TCP Port 443 at high speeds therefore avoiding the issues associated with VoIP traffic over VPN.

iQuila can be embedded into your existing VoIP hardware and by linking this to an iQuila Enterprise Server or the iQuila Cloud an encrypted Layer 2 connection can be established from the device to the phone system regardless of global location or Internet connection type.

In addition, iQuila supports QoS for voice traffic providing the best quality VoIP service while keeping the connection fully secure.

Configuration of the iQuila client/bridge can be integrated into your existing UI on the device for ease of configuration by the end user or installer.

iQuila also offer a Network Bridge that can be embedded into your equipment. The bridge offers powerful function of bridging the complete LAN segment on the network that the device is plugged into so that all devices can be seen by the VoIP server.

iQuila Enterprise has an enhanced policy management function that enables the administrator to apply data policies only allowing VoIP traffic over the network if required.

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